You must attend the entire seminar in order to receive credit. There is no charge for the seminar, but each official will need to pre-register for the seminar by going to Each official is required to be in full officiating uniform except new officials. New officials should have skates, helmet and whistle.
Returning officials receive their registration reminder material in the mail directly from USA Hockey’s National office. All officials must participate in the seminar skate regardless of level and previous experience
All officials must participate in the seminar skate regardless of level and previous experience.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Any Local Assignor who assigns "non complete" registered officials to games is subject to serious liability as he/she jeopardizes the insurance coverage of the officials and players involved. Updated listings of currently registered officials are available from the District Referees-in-Chief or District Database Coordinator.
Referee-In-Chief (RIC)
Phone: 802-779-5369
Find out what is going on with the New England District officials.