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Has Your Association Accepted The 2 & 2 Challenge?

By USA Hockey, 08/25/17, 10:15PM EDT


Accept The Challenge Today!

The 2 and 2 Challenge guides youth hockey leadership through national programs and tools to drive participation at the 4 to 8 age group.  By growing hockey at this age group, programs will experience long-term growth as these kids continue to develop.

What is the goal of the 2 and 2 Challenge?

The blueprint guides youth hockey leadership through national programs and tools to realize their goal of acquiring 2 new players and retaining 2 additional players than the previous season's total in the 8 & under age category. 

By participating in the 2 and 2 Challenge, your program will be accomplishing two things:

  1. You will drive participation in the 8 & under age group and ensure that your program continues to grow as these players graduate to older age levels.
  2. Your association will establish itself not just as the best hockey program locally, but as the best youth sports option in your community!